pleiadian blood type

These starseeds are also tasked to uplift women and children. Most don't understand the wordage of the Samarians, which their language came from these ones of creation. Starseed-blood-types starseed blood types, starseed blood types o negative, starseed blood types o positive, starseed blood types b, starseed blood types b negative, starseed blood types a negative, starseed blood types ab, sirian starseed blood types, are starseeds rh negative, which starseed test, starseed blood type o, starseed blood group It is a very easy talk if one understands what the meanings are, but unfortanly, it has ben lost in time. I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma—a type of blood cancer that The Pleiadian B- Sirian and Draco Hybrid. That being said the reason . Stupid book , all humans have different power. . . The Pleiades consist of seven bright stars. Most see six Pleiadian stars, but there are seven. 'Alien abduction victim' claims extraterrestrials revealed the meaning of life to him. These starseeds are also tasked to uplift women and children. symbols, markings, blood types & missions. It determines hair color, skin color, blood type and other variations. Like This Article? The universal red cell donor has Type O negative blood. Expand Your Perception of Home. Blood types are just a trait that some have according to ancestry of the family they incarnate into. Take this Starseed quiz to determine which planet you reincarnated on earth from. The second type is a thinner human type with red or orange skin. An alien abductee has come forward and publicly revealed the plan extraterrestrials have for humanity in the next few years. * bringers of agriculture, givers of civilization, builders of megaliths. They nearly always lack pigmentation in their skin and hair, giving them an albino appearance. Most don't understand the wordage of the Samarians, which their language came from these ones of creation. $33.33 Add to cart. Pleiadians-blood-type. Star people or Starseeds are of higher consciousness and they come in many forms, portraying many different characteristics. a pleiadian light forces space weather broadcast to the starseeds of earth! Found within the taurus constellation, the star cluster pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. It is the Pleiadian blood type from Ea/Buri/Ptah and his son Marduk/Borr/Amun-Ra as well as a result. Better yet, who is a starseed? They can range from 5 feet to 7 feet. Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. In ufology, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic- Scandinavians. B+ Sirian, Feline personality. The characters, as well as readers, experience moving out of fear-based consciousness to the higher dimensions . Pleiadian Starseeds. Two were the original Ape / Chimp template used when they first created humanity. The chimp template allowed for compatibility with the Pleiadian blood types whilst the gorilla provided compatibility for the Sirian blood types. #2 Pleiadian. 9 Blood Type: Dragon! " "The Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group. O Type. This goes far beyond just mere physical hunger, since the Grays/Reptiloids tend to feed off the human life-energies resident within human blood plasma, in what may be considered a vampirial type of hunger for human vital fluids. What is a star seed? AB Zeda (Sirian and Pleiadian mix) 22 blood types. About Type Blood Pleiadian . 9,466 articles since we began Alien Species Wiki is a website containing information on any alien creature ever imagined by mankind. Pleiadian starseeds are gentle souls. Cultural historian David J. If you trace the origins of human lineage, you end up with a plethora of questions. O+ Simian, Dragon. * light-bodied humans residing in the 5th Dimension (5D) . Pleiadians and Nordic aliens were a staple of the early contactee (as opposed to abductee) trend of people like George Adamski. Rarest blood type: Chart and compatibility The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to .. Pleiadians blood type. Starseeds are usually characterized as sensitive, intuitive, knowing and often have difficulty fitting in. In Star Trek, it was easier for actors to fit into human type suits. Is this blood type good or bad? Pleiadian Blood Type The Pleiadians do not have blood, their memory matrix is in light. Pleiades is made up of hot blue luminous stars that have formed within the last 100 million years, so still new in comparison to the overall age of the universe. lower blood pressure (again not due to any foreseeable illness) 3. Starseed Database. Now they are coming into this time to make reparation. Pleiadian Starseeds Pleiadians come from Pleiades , a beautiful star cluster known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 in the Taurus constellation. Types A and B are known to be more susceptible to .. 10 hours ago — Types Of Aliens Aliens And Ufos Ancient Aliens O Blood Type Protectors Of The Earth The Blue Planet Alien Concept Art Alien Races Angel .. Apr 17, 2021 — Blood types are just a trait that some have according to ancestry of the family they incarnate into. Pleiadian Starseeds tend to have type B-, A+ and O+ blood. The Bible is a spiritual book, and those who attempt to understand the Bible only literally, sadly, will find themselves locked out from understanding many wonderful concepts and many beautiful gems of truth!. It is very rare for even as many as 10 percent of a population to be of blood type 'AB'. Continue reading. O- YOU ARE THE DESTROYERS OR THE BUILDERS, LITERALLY. * great one, as we head into another super galactic weekend, the earth alliance has issued a critical space weather watch for saturday The Pleiadian blood type is an interesting topic, but people are often confused about what it means to have Pleiadian blood. The Draconian Empire, is an intergalactic imperial empire ruled by the Ciakar that has been that regarded as one of the most dangerous and feared superpowers in the universe, being an ally to the Orion Empire and enemy to the Galactic Federation and United . The Nordics (also called the Blondes) are humanoid extra terrestrials found throughout the galaxy. drawn to the night sky, astronomy and aliens. Pleiadians are a type of starseed from the Pleiades star system. Humans have an estimated 20,000 genes, and one of those is the MTHFR gene, a gene that helps your body process folate. That blood type is considered by many to be alien blood. Marie has agreed to work emotionally with Pleiadians, have them visit her in dreams, and work on her development. In appearance eyes range from blue to golden and slightly almond-shaped in the shorter stature race. Blood Types And DNA - Pleiadian Collective. Alien Origins of Blood Groups Alb£rt Fr£ud's Research A+ is Pleiadian and Canine was mixed with chimps = RH+ B+ Sirian, Feline personality B- Sirian and Draco Hybrid O+ Simian, Dragon 0-Dragon Draco hybrid AB Zeda (Sirian and Pleiadian mix) 22 blood types O Type O- YOU ARE THE DESTROYERS OR THE BUILDERS, LITERALLY. pleiadians blood type. The chimp template allowed for compatibility with the Pleiadian blood types whilst the gorilla provided compatibility for the Sirian blood types. Pleiadian statements tie in nicely with the spiritualist and theosophist beliefs of the early twentieth century. RU wakaaivan Dr. Pleiadian Starseeds Traits: Empathic: feel and take on others' energies, can transmute when they are in 27 percent of Basques have type O Rh negative blood. The most frequent question asked is about blood types. Pleiadian Starseed Love and Twinflames. Like all Starseeds, there are certain physical characteristics associated with them, and this type is known for often being tall and slim with long limbs. The third O- is the original Seraphim / Igigi / Draco type and O-. by Michael Lee Hill We have been left a method of counting and measurement and the importance of dividing a There are three O types. They instinctively know there is more to life than what has been previously circulated. The Pleiadians are: . They imbibe nurturing energy that Most of them come to earth as lightworkers and are extremely spiritual beings. 0- Dragon Draco Hybrid. . The third O- is the original Seraphim / Igigi / Draco type and O-. It is a very easy talk if one understands what the meanings are, but unfortanly, it has ben lost in time. I've also seen these threads countless of times and the majority of people who respond are always O Positive. Starseeds have specific . So I am guessing this transformation would take place within or bodies. Pleiadians live in multiple dimensions and can incarnate on earth from any of those dimensions. The reason why blood types are different in the first place is bec. Pleiadian seeds are known to be highly intuitive and empathic. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. The word of Anunukki were the Pleiadians as the records show. A1+ is the blood type of the Pleiadians who are considered to be 'Angelic' historically and Biblically. They are not human and do not share a common genetic code with humans or any other life form on Earth. After being abducted by aliens for the last 17 years of his life, the anonymous abductee …. Pleiadians are humanoids, better looking versions of us. The most common blood type for Starseeds would be the oldest and most familiar blood type known. These typical Pleiadians are Caucasian and a combination of several genetic types. We were seeded here from various star nations. They also tend to have rare negative RH blood as well. It is not possible to have two blood types interact with one another under modern medical understanding, but the elephant in the room here, how can anyone take O negative blood to some one such with A or B or even AB blood, they can take O. . What do they mean? Their traits include: Gentle in nature and meek . Take the quiz and read about the 5 most common types of Starseed - Pleiadian, Orion, Arcturian, Sirian and Lyran - below! 10 Consequences On Failing The Tribulation Of Ligh. By Kabamur Taygeta. pleiadian-starseed: starseeds blood. Blood type 'AB' is the least common. Before we continue with Stellar Navigation and more technical stuff, I am sharing with you this short video I filmed few weeks ago about the repetition of nu. Having a . There is only one B+ type. a blood type pleiadian. Some used (and are infused with) Earth genetics too. For Incarnated Pleiadians, and other Star Races incarnated, our DNA is different and we are Coded and have Multiple Strands. The name is a derivative of the names heaven and earth, Anu and Ki but is also translated by some as "those of royal blood" and also "princely offspring". . They imbibe nurturing energy that protects these people. Goldfish Report's Louisa the male Pleiadian alien incarnate avatar in the woman's body and her Pleiadian comrade Dr. L-Carnitine is a compound produced by the body from lysine and methionine. The word of Anunukki were the Pleiadians as the records show. * masters of inter-dimensional travels on space vehicles of light (i.e. It is the Pleiadian blood type from Ea/Buri/Ptah and his son Marduk/Borr/Amun-Ra as well as a result. Melisa Kennedy, better known as the UFO Woman, is rhesus negative and during the Aliens Revealed Live online summit, she gave us a fascinating insight into the negative blood type and its possible origins.. Kennedy, who hosts the popular program, The UFO Woman Show, says if the Annunaki did in fact alter our DNA for their purposes, the negative blood . Pleiadian culture Many are aware that Pleiadian genetics are the ones that allow for the highest levels of Empathy and the ability to absorb energies from those around you, easily.… Sometimes significant numbers of them visit Earth. Pleiadians are extraterrestrial beings that come from the Pleiades star system. * ancestors to Pleiadian starseeds living on Earth. tend to have lower blood pressure, lower body temperature. Moreover, all health-sustaining food is equally valuable and suitable for every blood type; consequently, with regard to food, there is no difference for certain blood types. The DNA carries everything including all Biology. A pleiadian starseed is known to be a soul that is sent to be the record keeper of the earth. A blood type pleiadian. Tweet. drawn to the paranormal and metaphysics. Whereas the Earth Chronicles is the human perspective, The Lost Book of Enki is the perspective of the Anunnaki, exploring their own history and motivations. Pin It On Pinterest. A blood type pleiadian ভালোবাসার সত্য গল্প মাসির সাথে সারারাত True Love Story 2021. Each bringing forth unique energy frequencies, gifts, awareness to seed into human consciousness. Damar of Blood type 'A' is next, and blood type 'B' is after that. However, negative RH blood is generally more common among all Starseeds. For Incarnated Pleiadians, and other Star Races incarnated, our DNA is different and we are Coded and have Multiple Strands. Some extraterrestrials have this blood type, but not everyone who has it is an extraterrestrial. Pleiadians blood type - " - Nikola Tesla 432 Hz - Unlocking The Magnificence Of The 3, 6 and 9, The Key To The Universe! A1+ is the blood type of the Pleiadians who are considered to be 'Angelic' historically and Biblically. Of the human type of Pleiadian there is a variation in height. One race has bodies around seven feet tall and another smaller, about five to six feet. It also covers the differences in our blood types, such as Rh negative, Rh positive, A, B, AB and O blood types. Pleiadians come from the star cluster that's closest to the Earth. Im Profil von Bracha Goldsmith sind 3 Jobs angegeben. * great one, as we head into another super galactic weekend, the earth alliance has issued a critical space weather watch for saturday Both of these could be indicators of having lived a past life, possibly on a planet in an entirely different star system. There are three O types. Blood Boots. Only her blood is powerful ?and have healing power ? The chimp template allowed for compatibility with the Pleiadian blood types whilst the gorilla provided compatibility for the Sirian blood types. Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood, yet ALL royal families have Rh-negative blood. Now there are several type of blood elements, but the one is the . A+ is Pleiadian/Canine. About Kabamur - One of Many, Many of One - Pleiadian Collective I. . File Type PDF The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook Awakening Your Divine Ba Catholic Church, the refugee crisis, political breakdown in the United States, the shift out of the age of oil to the high-tech economy, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The Pleiades is a constellation also known as the Seven Sisters. A Pleiadian starseed is known to be a soul that is sent to be the record keeper of the Earth. Title: Blood Type (2019). AB positive blood type is known as the "universal recipient" because AB positive patients can receive red blood cells from all blood types. Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins. Pleiadian Starseeds are very loving people who have a strong sense of empathy towards others. LATEST UPDATE: 27 sec ago Rhnull is the rarest of these. Rated 4.00 out of 5. That being said the reason . Two were the original Ape / Chimp template used when they first created humanity. The most common blood type for Starseeds would be the oldest and most familiar blood type known because it goes back a really long time in history, so that would be O Positive. The DNA carries everything including all Biology. Is this blood type good or bad? at the time of your birth. Sirius star - Consists of a binary star system, Sirius A and Sirius B and is located in the Canis Major constellation. Blood Type and Alien Heritage Alb£rt Fr£ud's Research. About Pleiadian Type Blood . YOU WALK THE PATH OF DESTRUCTION FOR EITHER GOOD . Their skin is whiter and smoother than ours. Pleiadian Starseeds tend to have the following traits: feel like the 'black sheep' in their family. When we seperate the types into 'negative' and 'positive' we find that 'O' negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the . We are all aware of the four common blood types we already know which are O, AB, B, and A. The third O- is the original Seraphim / Igigi / Draco type and O-. The reason why blood types are different in the first place is bec. That being said the reason the Satanic Dragons seek to eradicate this blood from the earth is because it possesses the 'moral compass' in humanity because it is the 'Judgement' aspect of the parietal lobe which allows one to judge their own . Pleiadians blood type - Cerca nel più grande indice di testi integrali mai esistito. In this article I describe starseed alignments for the Pleiades - scroll . Some of the most well known starseeds are the Pleiadians, Sirians, Avians, Orions, Reptilians, Arcturians, Andromedans and Lyrans. ' Ephesians 6:12. The third O- is the original Seraphim / Igigi / Draco type and O-. The Pleiadians or the Plejarans as revealed to Billy Eduard Meier are human like Extraterrestrial beings who originate from a world known as Erra, one of the 10 planets orbiting the star Taygeta, located in the Pleiades (or the Seven Sisters). pleiadians blood type; pleiadian starseed blood type; Based on further research by Guido, the Pleiadians are from the planet Erra and but people of flesh and blood just as we are, yet much more highly evolved. #2 Pleiadian. Biblioteca personale Livres sur Google Play I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma—a type of blood cancer that The Pleiadian Workbook By Amorah Quan Yin Author: proceedings. Mainly Caucasian, with a lot of variety, much like on Earth. Starseed markings or alignments can be found in your birth chart by looking at the position of the celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, the Planets, etc.) This is copied and pasted from Alb£rt Fr£ud's FaceBook page. not metal) It is the Pleiadian blood type from Ea/Buri/Ptah and his son Marduk/Borr/Amun-Ra as well as a result. The Pleiadians do not have blood, their memory matrix is in the light. The Pleiadians do not have blood, their memory matrix is in light. because it goes back a really long time in history, so that would be O Positive. Jan 19, 2021 — Types O negative and O positive are in high demand. Blood types are just a trait that some have according to ancestry… Posted on February 9, 2019 by cindyloucbp. They are also questions that demand answers, answers that may very well be found by examining those people whose . a pleiadian light forces space weather broadcast to the starseeds of earth! Some really stand out this way. Many Pleiadians have an Asian appearance similar to grays.As a rule, Pleiadians do not carry around much excess fat, although females are known to have curvy figures. About Blood Pleiadian Type . It determines hair color, skin color, blood type and other variations. This book is only her sex love fantasy of blonde hair blue eyes alien men, This is a complete "waste "of money and time to buy and read this book In this premise, genetic and ethnic diversity is explained. I suspect that most humans who encounter Pleiadians would meet the more human-like Pleiadian, which I suspect to be a more modern or newer form of Pleiadian which could have come into existence later after the early mollusc . The .. Characteristics []. Alura is the founder of The church of I. Now there are several type of blood elements, but the one is the . Pleiadians blood type Amorah Quan Yin - The Pleiadian Workbook. A blood type pleiadian A blood type pleiadian. . The chimp template allowed for compatibility with the Pleiadian blood types whilst the gorilla provided compatibility for the Sirian blood types. We are all aware of the four common blood types we already know which are O, AB, B, and A. It is the body's most extreme response to an infection. There is only one B+ type. they don't understand social hierarchy. Earth humans supposedly were created by The Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group. 2021: Author: unstirmera.

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