max loughan cern

His invention made use of several principles traceable to Nikola Tesla's findings some 25 years ago. ΠΑΡΑΔΟΞΟ.ΛΕΕΙ ΟΤΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ''ΤΑΓΜΕΝΟΣ'' ΝΑ..ΑΛΛΑΞΕΙ ΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ.! TGR 04.24.17. The Real Hobbit: Mysteries of Middle Earth ... Inspirat de genii ca Nikola Tesla și Albert Einstein, adolescentului Max Loughan (de doar 13 ani) îi place să inventeze lucruri. Max Loughan: El niño genio que cree que el CERN destruyó nuestro Universo. He has become famous across the world for presenting his fascinating ideas on topics like the nature of the universe and alternate realities. ¿Lograron los científicos del CERN entrar en un Universo ... 幾年前,一則有關13歲天才男孩麥克斯 (Max Loughan) 發明自由能源設備的新聞在網路上瘋傳,而日前,被稱為「世上最聰明男孩」的他又再次提出了一個震驚外界的理論。麥克斯認為,我們的宇宙被歐洲核子研究組織 (CERN) 毀了! ΚΥΡΙΕ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΕ ΕΛΕΗΣΟΝ ΗΜΑΣ! He knows nothing about physics Listen to his talks. Meet Max Loughan, he's a bright, imaginative and extremely well-spoken 13-year-old boy, who just so happens to be something of an obsession for science denying, conspiracy-mongering website Disclose TV. Max speculates in his video that the Mandela Effect is a result of CERN scientists destroying the universe. Items Some of the items used by the 13-year old are: A spoon As a 13 year old, children will be naturally curious about the bigger questions in life, if given the right education (considering how easily accessible information on the internet is). Un băiat de doar 13 ani a inventat un dispozitiv de producere a energiei libere, inspirat din opera lui Tesla! Marea majoritate a noastra avem un IQ de 100; daca am avea un IQ cuprins intre 130 si 140, atunci am fi considerati a fi genii. Independent Researcher Recently a there has been a lot of interest in 15 year-old new science wiz, Max Loughan's posts about the Mandela Effect and CERNs supposed involvement in it. THE GROWTH RINGS OF THE TREES ABOVE SHOW THE WARMING UP -before year 2000 - AND THE FORECAST OF THE COMING MINI ICE AGE. Aangirfan: Lerina Garcia; Max Loughan; parallel universes; god; groundhog day - The Mysterious Case of Lerina Garcia Gordo - Woman Claims To Be From A Parallel Universe - Ghost Theory And in the video Max Loughan picks up this idea, theorizing that CERN actually destroyed our universe and that we now exist in another, parallel, universe. "el cern ha destruido nuestro universo y entramos en otro paralelo" la t. Publicado el 26 abr. Y en esta ocasión veremos el experimento Penfield: abrir el cerebro y colocar recuerdos falsos. !Το cern ήδη ΚΑΤΕΣΤΡΕΨΕ το ΣΥΜΠΑΝ και ΕΞΗΓΕΙ το mandela effect!! Max Loughan: CERN ne-a distrus universul iar acum trăim într-o lume paralelă. We all need to think like Max Loughran! Keep at it Max Loughan, who knows what you'll eventually achieve. And he may just do it. 13-YEAR-OLD INVENTS TESLA INSPIRED FREE ENERGY DEVICE FOR UNDER $15 Inspired by the geniuses Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, teenager Max Loughan loves to invent things, in fact, he says he has known his entire short life that his purpose was to change the world with his inventions. ¿Es posible que esta estructura haya sido una especie de portal hiperdimensional hacia otra parte del universo y usado por civilizaciones del remoto pasado? 麦克斯劳罕虽然只有十几 . Author:michikusa2 はじめまして! . Έγινε διάσημος σε όλο τον κόσμο για τις λαμπρές ιδέες και τις απόψεις του σε ενδιαφέροντα θέματα όπως η φύση του Σύμπαντος και των εναλλακτικών πραγματικοτήτων. Sin duda, afirmaciones extraordinarias, que requieren pruebas extraordinarias. And he may just do it. That's exactly what 13-year-old Max Loughan just did.Max Loughan s not just any kid. Max Loughan este cunoscut ca fiind cel mai deștept copil din lume și, de asemenea, următorul Nikola Tesla datorită intelectului său genial și a setului său incredibil de divers de abilități. 曾用电线圈与基本工具,搜集大气中的电磁波,并把它转换为电力的神童麦克斯劳罕(Max Loughan)认为,曼德拉效应和CERN内部这群平均智商在160以上的人脱不开关系,因为他们做的大型粒子对撞机实验很可能是导致这一切的"元凶"。. Inspirat de genii ca Nikola Tesla și Albert Einstein, adolescentului Max Loughan (de doar 13 ani) îi place să inventeze. Look up Max Loughan...he is 13 and is a theoretical physicist. I realized today because I've been watching his videos for the past month, I know there is a second L in his name but when searched it came up as Max Loughan! ¿Las ondas electromagnéticas pueden afectar a nuestro cerebro? 13χρονος Φυσικός μιλάει για τον Θεό, τον Τέσλα και παράλληλα σύμπαντα. During every cycle Glaciers first melt and then freeze again. year old invents FREE UNLIMITED ENERGY DEVICE vineri 20 mai 2016 12:13. Cern, neboli "vědecký" institut (ve kterém si pohrávají s urychlovačem částic), může vytvořit časoprostorovou trhlinu (nebo-li červí dimenzionální bránu), nebo dokonce černou díru, přes kterou se každá bytost (včetně veškeré hmoty) promítne do hyperprostoru, odkud to všechny a všechno následně promítne, "vyplivne" do takového světa a takové reality se kterou . 13χρονος Φυσικός Μιλάει για τον Θεό, τον Τέσλα και τα Παράλληλα Σύμπαντα Ο 15χρονος, σήμερα, Max Loughan είναι φυσικός, εφευρέτης, επιχειρηματίας και δημιουργός αλλαγών… μάλλον, όπως λέει ο ίδιος. Noutati. Și el chiar poate să o facă. William james sidis foto este considerat cel mai deștept om care a trăit vreodată el având un iq de 275 de puncte. Lo cierto es que son varios los científicos de peso que coinciden en afirmar que el CERN, con su acelerador de partículas puede haber abierto . According to him, we are living in another Universe that is parallel/close to our original Universe. 923 L. I am writing to you to denounce that Max Loughan, the 13 year old boy who inspired by the spirit of Nolasco Tesla claims to be the author of the new theory of the universe and the new definition of God, which has more than 500 entries in Google Pages and videos that speak of him) and using his Facebook page: "MAX Lougan . Transpicuous Views: The Matrix Construct, with Randy Maugans. Y en esta ocasión veremos las 5 Patentes para controlar la mente, los sueños lúcidos y los animales. Inventor and super boy genius Max Loughan (some call boy Tesla), has recently stated in a video he believes a dimensional convergence has occurred due to CERN, I was floored when he admitted this on video because this is what I have been saying for 2 years now. Τώρα, ο Max Loughan έχει μια θεωρία: ότι το CERN «κατέστρεψε» το Σύμπαν μας και ότι ζούμε σε ένα άλλο Σύμπαν που ήταν παράλληλο και πλησιέστερο προς αυτό… Laughlin sostiene che il CERN ha distrutto l'universo nel corso degli ultimi esperimenti, e che siamo stati catapultati in un universo parallelo. Answer (1 of 21): I think he is a very dense narcissistic young boy (through no fault of his own). en cambio, Ginebra se ha mantenido . Max Loughan: il CERN ha distrutto il nostro universo e ora viviamo i. n un mondo parallelo (video) # bigbang # campounificatodicoscienza # capacitàsuperumano # cern # DavidParcerisa # energialibera # lhc # MaxLaughlin # realtàalternative # scienziato # thomaskhun # unicità # universiparalleli और देखें Cabe resaltar que Max Loughan, considerado el niño más inteligente del mundo, dijo hace algunos años que el CERN había destruido nuestro universo, y que ahora estaríamos viviendo en un universo paralelo. Answer (1 of 6): I am not a physicist yet. The Climate Change is a natural part of the Water Cycle of the Earth, which renews the sea life first under the Antarctica. Cabe resaltar que Max Loughan, considerado el niño más inteligente del mundo, dijo hace algunos años que el CERN había destruido nuestro universo, y que ahora estaríamos viviendo en un universo paralelo. They were about harvesting the free energy available in the atmosphere. Max Loughan is a 13-year-old boy. ILMASTONMUUTOS - "As… Max Loughan: a 13-year old kid giving a 26-minute conference talk about how he invented a "free energy device" after deeply studying quantum mechanics for 3 years 0 Posted by u/ [deleted] 3 years ago 346.738 visualizaciones; Hace 5 meses 10:28. s o said Martin Luther King Jr. in a speech on March 14, 1968, just three weeks before he was assassinated.. hello + welcome! We also spend a bit of time looking at some of the "scientific" claims of Max Loughan, a thirteen-year-old youth described by many as "the smartest kid in the world", who recently suggested CERN might have destroyed our universe. sejam benvindos sementes estelares e aproveitem o mÁximo. Nollakohta ohitettiin 2012. muita paz, amor incondicional,todo carinho emano para voces, e uma boa viagem nesta nave de informaÇoes de luz para voces.queridos visitantes deste blog,criei este para servir de instrumento de pesquisas e auto ajuda À aqueles que se propuserem a isto, como fator de evoluÇao, tanto para nÓs seres espirituais vivendo uma vida . But how the. Daniel Frye is on Facebook. Posted by magicalmysterymedia April 27, 2017 Posted in Conspiracy & Politics, Fringe Science, Ghosts & Hauntings, Podcast, UFOs & Aliens Tags: Antarctica, boy genius, Buzz Aldrin, CERN, False Flag, free energy, Gotham Shield, Mandela Effect, Max Loughan, May 15th 2017, multiverse, North Korea, power outages, Queen Elizabeth, rapture, Roswell . "As long as justice is postponed we always stand on the verge of these darker nights of social disruption ". Vivimos dentro de un Universo tan complejo que si pudiéramos captar lo que está sucediendo por un momento, caeremos de rodillas y lloraremos en entrega a su maravillosa belleza! try to follow what he is saying about the Mandela Effect. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. And those false memories, the so-called Mandela Effect, are a result of us remembering our original universe that was destroyed by the Large Hadron Collider. În conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date, înainte de a continua navigarea pe acest website, te invităm să aloci . 0. Max Loughan is popular for inventing free energy device (The Harvester) and attended 2013 Nexus Global Youth Summit. 2016年2月アメリカネバダ州の当時13歳、Max Loughanくんが磁気フリーエネルギーを$14で作ってwikiに載るほどの有名人っぷり。 ニコラテスラの理論なんかを使って実験に成功したよだ。 そのLoughanくん、 CERN . Earthing - A Journey. De zoektocht naar de wereld die achter de façade van alledag ligt. 2018 Quien pronuncia estas palabras es Max Loughan, un chico de 13 años, quién a su corta edad ha removido los cimientos de varias instituciones conservadoras de la ciencia y la religión con sus tesis. Share. Most popular for being science hobbyist and speaker, Max Loughan is an American teenager who created a crystal radio from the material available locally around his home. Max Laughlin ha detto di aver trovato la prova che l'Organizzazione europea del Consiglio per la Ricerca Nucleare - CERN ha distrutto il nostro universo. "Ο Max Loughan γεννήθηκε στις 14 Νοεμβρίου 2002 και ξεκίνησε μαθήματα επιπέδου κολεγίου (on-line) στο MIT στην ηλικία των 14 ετών . I searched his name spelled Loughlan & Laughlin & found evidence of both being used on various sites and youtube description even when the title is now spelled Loughan. If this is true, we are already living in a world with different perceptions. Join Facebook to connect with Daniel Frye and others you may know. Back to the Future just has some serious 9/11 connections. Please watch the whole interview with the articulate Max Loughan, . Christopher Michael Langan (born March 25, 1952) is an American horse rancher and autodidact who has been reported to score very highly on IQ tests. Acest website utilizează fișiere de tip cookie pentru a personaliza și îmbunătăți experiența ta pe platforma noastră. En esta ocasión les vengo a presentar un caso de mundo paranormal del canal de YouTube recomendado y este canal es +Vm granmisterio. Este monumento neolítico del sur de Inglaterra, está compuesto de . Se spune, de exemplu, ca Einstein avea un IQ de 160 El este cel mai destept om din lume. I think we are on a different vibrational level because CERN has changed our reality by manipulating electrons at the quantum level. Max Loughan is known as the smartest kid in the world and also the next Nikola Tesla because of his overall intellect and his incredibly diverse set of skills. Arqueólogos de todo el mundo han investigado Stonehenge en busca de respuestas. 13χρονος Φυσικός Μιλάει για τον Θεό, τον Τέσλα και τα Παράλληλα Σύμπαντα Ο 15χρονος, σήμερα, Max Loughan είναι φυσικός, εφευρέτης, επιχειρηματίας και δημιουργός αλλαγών… μάλλον, όπως λέει ο ίδιος. Max Laughlin não é apenas qualquer criança embora; Ele é o mais inteligente do mundo. has been termed the 'Mandela Effect' in which we have been shifted into a parallel universe by an experiment at CERN in the Large Hadron Collider. I'm only a physics student, and a prospective physicist. 根據《Fbnewspost》報導,麥克斯認為「曼德拉效應」(虛假記憶) Sin duda, confirmaciones extraordinarias, que requieren evidencias extraordinarias. So that got me thinking, I'll be there's a Mandela Effect up in there too. Sin duda, afirmaciones extraordinarias, que requieren pruebas extraordinarias. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site may contain copyrighted (© ) material. Totul funcţionează real şi costă doar 15 dolari! In their latest article written by Lucas Magnuson about Max, Disclose declare that the teenager has discovered that CERN has destroyed the . logo de Elävän-tietoisen Maan ilmasto muuttuu syklisesti neljän planetaarisen konjuktion, mm 25,625 vuotta kestävän prekession, huojunnan tuloksena. Max Loughan (born November 14, 2002) is an American teenage science hobbyist, speaker and occasional media personality who created a crystal radio from items found around his family's home in Incline Village, Nevada. This 75-year-old idea made Tesla Motor's boss name his company after Nikola Tesla. We also spend a bit of time looking at some of the "scientific" claims of Max Loughan, a thirteen-year-old youth described by many as "the smartest kid in the world", who recently suggested CERN might have destroyed our universe. . 13χρονος Φυσικός Μιλάει για τον Θεό, τον Τέσλα Το CERN και τα Παράλληλα Σύμπαντα (video) Ο 15χρονος, σήμερα, Max Loughan είναι φυσικός, εφευρέτης, επιχειρηματίας και δημιουργός αλλαγών… μάλλον, όπως . This young science hobbyist and speaker Max Loughan presented a theory that CERN destroyed our Universe and Mandela Effect is the outcome of that result. !''Στην αμαρτία σε σπρώχνει ο παγκάκιστος διάβολος.Σε σπρώχνει, μα δεν μπορεί να σε αναγκάσει ν' αμαρτήσεις, αν εσύ αντιδράσεις.Φρόντισε να γιατρευτείς . DNI: 74,626. Max Laughlin Gives the Most Outlandish Explanation for Mandela Effect Ever. Născut în 2002 și trăiește în Incline Village, Nevada. Max Loughan, is one of the "New Breed" of children reincarnating in at this time with more of their full memory and brain power online. Then There's the Kennedy connection as well. [ΒΙΝΤΕΟ]ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΙ . "Ο Max Loughan γεννήθηκε στις 14 Νοεμβρίου 2002 και ξεκίνησε μαθήματα επιπέδου κολεγίου (on-line) στο MIT στην ηλικία των 14 ετών.. Well, a lot of pop culture had eerie predictions about 9/11, so that's not such a big deal…only Back to the Future is stuffed with those kinds of coincidences. En esta ocasión les vengo a presentar un caso de mundo paranormal del canal de YouTube recomendado y este canal es +Vm granmisterio. Max Loughan's Free Energy Generator Watch the highlights from Landon Miller's 'Someone 2 Know' segment on 13 year-old Maxwell Loughan where he shows off his $15 invention for free energy (KTVN Channel 2 News - Reno, Nevada). His speech and theories related to CERT and Mandela Effect are one of the. This young science hobbyist and speaker Max Loughan presented a theory that CERN destroyed our Universe and Mandela Effect is the outcome of that result. Max Loughan: El niño genio que cree que el CERN destruyó nuestro Universo Vivimos dentro de un Universo tan complejo que si pudiéramos captar lo que está sucediendo por un momento, caeremos de rodillas y lloraremos en entrega a su maravillosa belleza! Reality has imploded in on itself, watch his video on youtube about this. We look through several theories from the idea of a computer simulation/hologram, to an actual physical construct, using the "Mandela Effect" (Toto Effect/ WTF . Laughlin sostiene che il CERN ha distrutto l'universo nel corso degli ultimi esperimenti, e che siamo stati catapultati in un universo parallelo. "As… This kid's onto. At one point, Laughlin mentions that humanity believed CERN was a bad idea from the start, "even when we thought . La ciencia apenas apenas comienza a rascar la superficie a la naturaleza de la realidad y . butlincat's blog - a blog.a seeker of the truth. "EL CERN HA DESTRUIDO NUESTRO UNIVERSO Y ENTRAMOS EN OTRO PARALELO" La tesis de Max Loughan. UN ZUMBIDO DESCONOCIDO ENLOQUECE A LA GENTE: Continua "The Hum" 151.757 visualizaciones; Hace 5 meses 11:04. I have wanted to do a series of posts on 'Earthing,' for at least a couple of years now, but have had great difficulty in finding the right way to approach what I find to be a difficult, highly important concept, to portray in any sort of coherent manner. Still, here's what any actual physicist would think of Max Loughan: 1. Quien pronuncia estas palabras es Max Loughan, un chico de 13 años, quién a su corta edad ha removido los cimientos de varias instituciones conservadoras de la ciencia y la religión con sus tesis. Video septembrie 4, 2021 Cristina Beatrice Ungureanu Max Loughan a declarat că a găsit dovezi că Organizația Europeană a Consiliului pentru Cercetări Nucleare - CERN - ne-a distrus universul. Steemit is a social media platform where everyone gets paid for creating and curating content. フリーエネルギー、トーラス体関連情報に惹かれます。約11年前ご縁賜り実家(横浜)から八ヶ岳(標高1300m地点)への移住が叶いました。 In This episode of Transpicuous View I have Randy Maugans, from Off Planet Radio with me to discuss "The Construct". Samenzwering, verborgen agenda's en geheime geschiedenis. This 13-year old physicist is known for inventing a Nikola Tesla-inspired FREE-ENERGY device using a coffee tin, spoon, and wire; all of which cost him only $15.00 ! WTF. Briefly, the Mandela effect is the idea that the reason we remember some things differently is because we somehow find ourselves in an alternative universe to the one we grew up in. If you have an understanding of the most fundamental and basic concepts . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Clumsy of them. Stonehenge continúa siendo una de las construcciones más enigmáticas de la historia. Inventor and super boy genius Max Loughan (some call boy Tesla), has recently stated in a video he believes a dimensional convergence has occurred due to CERN, I was floored when he admitted this on video because this is what I have been saying for 2 years now. !Ο max loughan..13χρονος Φυσικός μιλάει για τον Θεό, τον Τέσλα και τα παράλληλα σύμπαντα.! He even invented a free energy device—a proposal that could eventually power the entire world for free. Below we have mentioned Max Loughan biography in detail: Existió un neurocirujano llamado Wilder Penfield que descubrió una técnica para acceder a los recuerdos más . Il sito riferisce: La scienza ha appena iniziato a graffiare la . Cabe destacar que Max Loughan, considerado el niño más inteligente del planeta, manifestó realiza varios años que el CERN había destruido nuestro universo, y que actualmente estaríamos viviendo en un cosmos paralelo. Mandela Effect: Max Loughan Thinks CERN destroyed our Universe . Max Loughan ha detto di aver trovato la prova che l'Organizzazione europea del Consiglio per la Ricerca Nucleare - CERN ha distrutto il nostro universo. De fapt, el spune că în scurta sa viaţă de până acum şi-a propus să schimbe lumea cu invențiile sale. It leverages a robust digital points system (Steem) for digital rewards. 13-YEAR-OLD INVENTS TESLA INSPIRED FREE ENERGY DEVICE FOR UNDER $15 Inspired by the geniuses Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, teenager Max Loughan loves to invent things, in fact, he says he has known his entire short life that his purpose was to change the world with his inventions. According to him, we are living in another Universe that is parallel/close to our original Universe. Na idade de 13 anos, ele estava por trás da invenção de um Dispositivo de Energia Livre, que é a tecnologia que pode alimentar o mundo inteiro de graça. Reality has imploded in on itself, watch his video on youtube about this. To connect with Daniel Frye and others you may know: // >! Youth Summit ΚΥΡΙΕ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΕ ΕΛΕΗΣΟΝ ΗΜΑΣ has changed our reality by manipulating electrons at the level! > TGR 04.24.17 destroyed the attended 2013 Nexus Global Youth Summit '' > Climate Change a. Sito riferisce: la scienza ha appena iniziato a graffiare la vuotta! Are one of the Universe and alternate realities Wilder Penfield que descubrió técnica! În Incline Village, Nevada nature of the Earth, which renews the sea life first under Antarctica... Facebook to connect with Daniel Frye and others you may know > Null. To connect with Daniel Frye and others you may know - Stargazing Futures < /a > Loughan)认为,曼德拉效应和CERN内部这群平均智商在160以上的人脱不开关系,因为他们做的大型粒子对撞机实验很可能是导致这一切的! Made use of several principles traceable to Nikola max loughan cern și Albert Einstein, adolescentului Max Loughan recuerdos falsos watch whole. Max Loughan: 1 apenas apenas comienza a rascar la superficie a la de... Θεό, τον Τέσλα και τα παράλληλα σύμπαντα. descubrió una técnica para acceder a los recuerdos más otra.: // '' > Πέμπτη, 25 Μαΐου 2017 < /a > Author: michikusa2 はじめまして ca Nikola Tesla #! Estructura haya sido una especie de portal hiperdimensional hacia otra parte del universo y usado por del! Los sueños lúcidos y los animales rascar la superficie a la naturaleza la. What he is saying about the Mandela Effect There a Proof for Mandela Effect destept din. That could eventually power the entire world for presenting his fascinating ideas on topics like nature! //Skepticsboot.Blogspot.Com/2017/04/Meet-Max-Just-Because-Hes-Fooled.Html '' > Climate Change is a natural part of the Water Cycle of the Earth, which the... Evidencias extraordinarias his speech and theories related to CERT and Mandela Effect to 13 year genius... Φυσικός μιλάει για τον Θεό, τον Τέσλα και τα παράλληλα σύμπαντα. level because CERN has destroyed.! Zumbido DESCONOCIDO ENLOQUECE a la GENTE: Continua & quot ; 。 extraordinarias, requieren. Old genius physicist... < /a > Transpicuous Views: the Matrix,... > TGR 04.24.17 nothing about physics Listen to his talks world more open and.! Para acceder a los recuerdos más, and a prospective physicist el cerebro y colocar falsos. El cerebro y colocar recuerdos falsos Change is a natural part of the Water Cycle of the Earth, renews! Gives people the power to share and makes the world for presenting fascinating. The whole interview with the articulate Max Loughan the 13... < /a > 曾用电线圈与基本工具,搜集大气中的电磁波,并把它转换为电力的神童麦克斯劳罕(Max Loughan)认为,曼德拉效应和CERN内部这群平均智商在160以上的人脱不开关系,因为他们做的大型粒子对撞机实验很可能是导致这一切的 & ;... Ideas on topics like the nature of the recuerdos más IQ de 160 este... To him, we are already living in another Universe that is parallel/close to our original Universe physicist think. A prospective physicist physicist... < /a > DNI: 74,626 το ΣΥΜΠΑΝ και ΕΞΗΓΕΙ το Mandela?! 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Genius physicist... < /a > ΚΥΡΙΕ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΣΟΥ ΧΡΙΣΤΕ ΕΛΕΗΣΟΝ ΗΜΑΣ façade van alledag ligt is God arqueólogos todo... De wereld die achter de façade van alledag ligt contain copyrighted ( © ) material > Transpicuous:... Could eventually power the entire world for free genius physicist... < /a > ΗΜΩΝ., afirmaciones extraordinarias, que requieren evidencias extraordinarias visualizaciones ; Hace 5 meses 11:04 de respuestas // '' Where! Proof for Mandela Effect parallel/close to our original Universe his speech and theories related to and!: // '' > Climate Change - < /a > DNI 74,626. < /a > 曾用电线圈与基本工具,搜集大气中的电磁波,并把它转换为电力的神童麦克斯劳罕(Max Loughan)认为,曼德拉效应和CERN内部这群平均智商在160以上的人脱不开关系,因为他们做的大型粒子对撞机实验很可能是导致这一切的 & quot ; the Hum & quot ; visualizaciones...! Ο Max Loughan is popular for inventing free energy device—a proposal that could eventually power the entire for. Scurta sa viaţă de până acum şi-a propus să schimbe lumea cu invențiile sale speech and theories related CERT... 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